An eco friendly way to clean your oven!
One of the most despised chores around the house has to be cleaning the oven, it is super easy to ignore by simply closing the door, but is has a terrible roll-on effect.
Week and even months can go by and before you know the horror is realized and by then you are faced with layers of baked on grease and grime.
It is very tempting to reach for one of those ALL-IN-ONE oven cleaners that you leave in overnight, but the chemical fumes can be very off putting.
Here is a natural way to get the job done! Cleaning the oven in 5 minutes.
Just follow these 8 steps and in 5 minutes (plus soaking) your oven will be sparkling again.
- Make sure your oven is switched off and cool.
Before you start scrubbing the excess dirt and food away, start by removing the racks. Soak them in hot soapy water in your sink. - Mix your own cleaning solution.
A great oven cleaning hack is to use a simple homemade solution from baking soda and water. For the entire method you will need baking soda, water, white vinegar. A damp dishcloth, rubber gloves and a spray bottle.
In a small bowl mix together ½ cup (63 grams) of baking soda with a couple of table spoons of water to create a paste. Cover the oven in the paste.
Spread you homemade paste all over the interior of the oven. Us your rubber gloves if your oven is particularly grimy. Make sure to cover every part in the paste including the glass door.